The second update of 2025 introduces integrated cloud-native CAM, sheet metal forms, sketching, and a raft of improvements to drawings.

Remember: The updates listed here are now live for all users when creating new Documents. Over the next few days, these features will also be available in Documents created before this update.

CAM Studio (BETA)

CAM Studio is now available to all Onshape Professional and Enterprise commercial subscribers. 

Part Studios

Sheet Metal Form

You can now create form features, such as louvers, bridge lances, slot embosses, extrudes, and punches on existing sheet metal models. In addition, you can create your own library of custom forms, and this release ships with a set of forms to get you started in the Onshape sheet metal forms library.

Sketch Chamfer

A new Chamfer tool in sketch enables the quick addition of chamfers between entities.


Parametric Sketching

Lines, circles, and points added to a Drawing sheet can now be constrained and dimensioned relative to drawing view geometry.

Stacked Callouts

Callouts can now be stacked to detail groups of related parts or parts within close proximity of each other.

Detail View Border

The border of a Detail view may now be shown clipped to the view geometry for added clarity.

Detail View Border

Custom Keyboard Shortcuts

All commands in Drawings can now be assigned custom keyboard shortcuts.

Custom Keyboard Shortcuts

Exclude Off Sheet Content

Off sheet content can now be excluded when exporting drawings in DWG, DXF, or DWT file formats.

Release Management

Add Items to Obsoletion

Multiple objects from the same document or from other documents can now be grouped and obsoleted together, reducing the number of steps required and creating an association between obsoleted items for audit purposes.

Add Items to Obsoletion

Learning Center

Introduction to CAM Studio

A brand new course, Introduction to CAM Studio, is now available in the Learning Center to coincide with the release of CAM Studio. Learn how to build a machining job in CAM Studio and preview real-time toolpaths, back plotting, and machine-accurate simulation.

Introduction to Parametric Feature-Based CAD

The Introduction to Parametric Feature-Based CAD course has been completely reworked and updated with new content and examples to help new users get up to speed with the concepts of 3D CAD.


In our continued efforts to expand our localized offerings, full French audio has been added to the Self-Guided Onshape Bootcamp.  

Please take a moment to try out these new features and improvements and leave your comments in the Onshape Forums. For a detailed list of all the changes in this update, please see the changelog.

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