Table of Contents

It's June, time for our 8th(!) update of the year, and this one is big. It includes improvements to nearly all aspects of Onshape, so there should be something for everyone to get excited about! 

Let's get started.

three images of 3D modeled objects in Onshape

Remember: The updates listed here are now live for all users when creating new Documents. Over the next few days, these features will also be available in Documents created before this update.

General Improvements

Trim Curve

You can now trim (or extend) a curve.

Variables in Sketch Pattern Instance Counts

You can now assign a Variable to a Sketch pattern instance count.

Standard Content Metadata

You can now edit more properties associated with Standard Content. In the past, the only editable properties associated with Standard Content were “Part number” and “Description”.

New Sketch Text Fonts

20 new sketch text fonts have been added with this update.

  1. Allerta

  2. Balthazar

  3. Baumans

  4. Bebas Neue

  5. Comic Neue

  6. Courier Prime

  7. Didact Gothic

  8. M PLUS Rounded 1c

  9. Michroma

  10. Oswald

  11. Poppins

  12. PT Sans

  13. Rajdhani

  14. Roboto

  15. Ropa Sans

  16. Source Sans Pro

  17. Sofia Sans

  18. Orbitron

  19. Inconsolata

  20. Inter

Hole Feature Improvements

New termination conditions have been added to the Hole feature including "Up to next" and "Up to entity."

Screenshot of the Onshape Hole tool with a new options "up to entity."

Join Adjacent Surfaces

You will find a new import option to "Join adjacent surfaces." This new option allows you to simplify imported parts with many adjoining surfaces by merging them together during import. 

Screenshot of the import options in Onshape

Performance Indicator Improvements

New icons have been added to the Performance Panel to alert you to poorly performing Part Studios.

Screenshot of Onshape UI that shows errors in a model.

Drawing Improvements

Drawing Dimension Improvements

Drawing dimensions with bent leaders now have an adjustable jog point at the bend.

Professional Improvements

Numbering Schemes

You can now define “Numbering schemes” and auto-generate part numbers for items and Standard Content.

Render Studio Improvements

New Render Studio Appearances

Nearly 900 new appearances were added to Render Studio with this update, including many popular and useful new metals, fabrics, paints, and plastics. 

Tessellation Quality

When creating or updating a Render Studio scene, you can now use the per-part tessellation quality set in each part’s Appearance Panel in its Part Studio, giving you a greater degree of tessellation quality control. This is the default setting. Prior to this update, the Part Studio and Render Studio tessellation settings were independent of each other.

Image of Onshape UI for Render Studio.

Onshape-Arena Connection Improvements

Support for Standard Content and Items

Standard content and Items can now be synced with Arena PLM.

For a detailed list of all the changes in this update, please see the changelog. Please take a moment to try out these new features and improvements and leave your comments in the Onshape Forums.