In a world where so many people are familiar with social media and the concept of a “verified” account, some of the most frequently asked questions from Onshape users who search Custom Features are: “Is there a verified Custom Feature to distinguish which is the original document?” or “How do I know which Custom Feature document is the official source of truth for the feature?”

With Onshape’s 1.173 release, these questions now have an answer: Published Custom Features.

Custom Feature creators can now choose to publish a version of their Custom Feature documents after meeting a specific set of requirements to make them easier than ever to distinguish from document copies. Once published, there are two easy ways to search for Custom Features and distinguish them from unpublished copies.

Search from the Documents Page

If you are not actively in a Document, you can navigate to the Public domain from your Documents page. One criterion for publishing a Custom Feature is that it needs to be public, so you will find it here. 

To nail down your search for a specific Custom Feature, click on the dropdown arrow in the Onshape Search bar, click the dropdown arrow next to Add criteria, and select Published FeatureScript. Click to select True. This shows you only published Custom Features. Try typing in additional criteria to narrow your search to a specific feature.

custom features in Onshape

Search Inside a Document

You can also find published Custom Features in the Add custom features menu. Whether searching through FeatureScript samples or the Community spotlight, look for the published icon to distinguish a published version from one used for development.

example of a published Custom Feature

To learn more about accessing published Custom Features, check out our Help documentation. If you want to learn how to write your Custom Feature, take Onshape’s FeatureScript Fundamentals course in the Learning Center.

Or see this Tech Tip in action by watching the video below:

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