Bill of Materials (BOM)

Streamline Assembly Management with Onshape's Real-Time Bill of Materials.

What makes BOM’s integral to mechanical design?

BOMs are essential in mechanical design for tracking components, estimating costs, managing the supply chain, and facilitating collaboration. They help with the quality control process, streamline production planning, assist in documentation for compliance, and are pivotal in product lifecycle management, making them indispensable for efficient project execution.

Key Features

Real-Time Updates to Your CAD Bill of Materials

Onshape's BOM integration allows the data to be edited within the Assembly model, ensuring real-time updates between the model and BOM tables. Its cloud-native architecture ensures all stakeholders –from purchasing to assembly techs– have accurate design and BOM data on their devices. This guarantees details are up-to-date, avoiding inaccuracies and mistakes. Additionally, BOM tables can be included in Drawings with intelligent balloon callouts for comprehensive data display.

Include Non-Geometry “Items”

Incorporate essential non-geometric items like adhesives, lubricants, and paint into the BOM directly from a predefined company inventory. Define bulk items with details such as quantity, units, and application parts. Enrich your 3D model by adding diverse elements to reflect design intent and enhance realism.

Custom Views for Your CAD Bill of Materials

Manage BOM data the way you want, with options for hierarchical or flattened views. Customize tables by adding or removing columns to show any component property, with in-place editing for efficient data entry. Tailor BOM views by highlighting or erasing specific rows and columns to suit viewer preferences. Save custom views with the assembly, enabling unique data column sets for each project, ensuring flexibility and precision in data presentation.

BOM API’s for Advanced Customization

Onshape offers a BOM API for clients with complex, multi-discipline needs, allowing the creation of custom apps to utilize BOM table data. This enables the export of data directly to ERP systems via the BOM API, catering to advanced customization and efficiency in managing BOM data.

Bill of Materials on the Cloud

Collaboration is at the heart of what Onshape delivers, and this extends to BOM management. Cloud-native CAD collaboration and built-in PDM accelerate time to market, facilitate teamwork, and encourage product innovation. Real-time updates to parts in your design reflect immediately in both the model and CAD BOM for all authorized users, ensuring seamless coordination and instant access to the latest design changes.

Master BOM creation with guidance from the Learning Center and Documentation

Got Questions?

For more answers or to ask a question, head over to the Onshape Forum.

The BOM describes the product structure for a design, and documents the details needed to communicate with teams managing the supply chain, manufacturing, sales, and service. Onshape provides full digital associativity across these teams in real-time.

BOM types include Flattened (no assembly hierarchy indicated), Structured - Top level (assembly hierarchy indicated for one level only), or Structured - Multi-level (all levels of assembly hierarchy indicated).

Once you create a template, it is usable across your entire organization. Learn more about BOM templates from this Tech Tip.

You can export to CSV (comma-separated values) which can work with almost all spreadsheet tools. See here to learn more about this option.

Yes, it can! Please read this Tech Tip for details on what you can and can’t do with the automatic numbering scheme.
Philip Taber VP Hardware Engineering Silverside Detectors

"Onshape allows us to keep everything much more organized without needing a PDM system. Onshape probably cuts our design time in half because we’re designing our parts together in one place versus flipping back and forth between files. We can make changes without worrying about breaking the assembly."

Simultaneous Bill of Materials allows users to accelerate time to market with custom views and real-time updates